Sunday, November 9, 2014

Just A New Twist On Travel

Humans are a strange species.  Many are blessed or cursed with a travel gene. This gene is no respecter of persons and there is no way to predict who will be born with it. Often people who did not inherit the gene find those who did rather annoying. In their eyes a travel gene is a disability which causes restless feet and over active brain activity. It is important that people with this extra gene find a partner who also carries it. The relationship just works better and smoother.

Travelers are always looking for something new, different and the next adventure. Unfortunately for us, it is a tear drop trailer which we keep pushing to its limits in an effort to see just how far we can roam with this little beast. We need to know its cold weather capabilities just in case we need a quick get away during intolerable weather this winter. We took it 84 miles down the road to Craters of the Moon National Monument. A great place to test its proficiency. There are no modern amenities this time of year, just cool temperatures--a good place to try a taste of early winter. Most people would not view this as fun or even sane but they are normal, therefor they see things in a much different light.

Morning sun is deceiving  A cold 23

We did not freeze You can spend a comfortable night in a small insulated space with proper bedding. Faces get cold, but a blanket tented over your face solves the problem. A cold 23 degrees outside by morning which surprised us. The Little Guy passed with flying colors and lives to pursue more adventures. I don't want to paint a too rosy picture because not everything was all that great. Because the water was turned off the pit toilet was the modern day option. No matter how you disguise it by changing the name it is still an outhouse. In fact outhouse sounds much better and even more hygienic. But as with every negative a positive can be found and in this case it was the lack of electricity--a blessing in disguise.
Sometimes plain is beauty

By night the full moon provided soft light and illuminated the rocks. We woke to a blue sky, bright sun and frost. A beautiful November day. A real treat this time of year and a great way to great a chill morning. The little adventure was successful and fun--just something out of the ordinary that adds a spark when life becomes too predicable. 
A little bit of frost to greet the day