Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Grab the Day


 Summer  has been slow in getting going.  Some how she has forgotten her quick step and replaced it with a waltz.  Yesterday started gloomy and of course windy--not the best day to haul bikes out for a short trip.  After deliberation and some hesitation we decided to just go for it.  Jackson Hole was the planned destination  and from past experience we have learned that crossing to the other side of the mountains often opens up a window of better weather.  Dark grey clouds loomed in front of us guiding us through Antelope Flats and into Swan Valley, over the pass into Teton and on over the mountain to Jackson.  Sun and light wind greeted us as we followed the curve of the road into Wilson.    

It turned out to be a grab it day.  Perfect in so many ways: mild temperature, moderate breeze, few people and broken clouds.  There are experiences which just happen and grow as the day develops with little direction on our part and this was one of those days. 

Too much worry and the search for perfection throw up road blocks and discourage risk taking.  Not everything should be approached with perfection in mind.  That perfect sun, the blue sky, the right temp--just doesn't come together very often.  But who cares.  Time moves too fast during an Idaho summer and the days we are given are meant to be used. 

  We took a chance and the day paid us back in full.  Lucky us!  The lesson learned--don't be a foot dragger.

1 comment:

W. R. Pratt said...

"forgotten her quick step and replaced it with a waltz." lovely