Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Color

Fall is a treat which tickles our senses: the smell of the wet leaves crunching under our feet and the stimulating colors of orange, yellow and brilliant red.  The air is fresh and slightly crisps with gentle wind ushering in the next season.  Things slow down after summer's.  The hot days are behind us and the garden has frozen; now is the time to take deep breaths and savor the colors around us.

Fall always carries just a ting of sadness.  It is short lived and ends abruptly in a flurry of wind and cold.  The trees stand stark with their colors striped. The ground is littered with the faded colors that were so vivid only a few days earlier.  Soon the ground will be covered in a blanket of white and the leaves will be a memory.

There is a need to be immersed in the glories of fall.  It is as if we need to absorb the colors and crispness of the season to carry us through to spring.

Pictures taken along the Logan River--Logan, Utah

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