Thursday, November 24, 2011

All Things New

Here we are in Florida--Coca Beach for a week.  We have the opportunity of a life time.  Saturday Nolan and I will be at Kennedy Space Center watching the launch of the Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory.  After watching space launches since we were children we will actually be part of one in person--how exciting!  Sometimes life presents us with a gift that is totally unexpected.

We spent today exploring the area.  It is refreshing to have the opportunity to see new territory.  What is fun and interesting to us is probably boring to the natives.  Palm trees, ocean, sand, colorful kites flying on the beach and wild life that is totally foreign is like a walk through a picture book.  It was impossible to drive by the alligator on the road side.  We were not the only outsiders who had to stop for photos.  It was us and the couple from Italy.  I suppose an alligator here compares to seeing deer in Idaho--a common sight. 

Last night we attended a reception for the  MSL project participants and those invited to the launch and work shop. The NASA director gave a few remarks. He made a point of reminding everyone that we should be proud of this endeavour as Americans.   Everyone is part of the success.  It was refreshing and up lifting to be reminded of what is positive about our nation and put the negative aspects aside.  He said one of the most thrilling experiences is watching the launch of a vehicle that actually leaves this planet and moves toward an object in space.  So far out there--what an accomplishment for man.

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