We took a trip to a part of Utah called The Mormon Corridor. You past through Fairview, Ephraim, Mt. Pleaseant, Moroni and Manti. The settlers who developed these small towns built beautiful homes which are testimonies to their hard work, resourcefulness and appreciation of guality craftmenship; cabled roofs, porches and ginger bread trim following the lines of the eves. Many were built from brick to stand against weather and time. Chimneys rise above roofs and cast long shadows in the fall sun. How many families have lived in these homes? Some are blessed with 21st century families, while others are abandoned and left to slowly die. All were built with such care and pride. Their souls must weep as they sit empty while the harsh Utah weather gradually takes it toll. I wish I could save them all.
I would love to have the 4th one. What a cute blue charm. Shannon
You have such a poetic was of describing things!
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