Friday, April 14, 2017

Where is Your Voice

When do you use your voice? When do you speak up about an injustice you see or use your voice to stand up for someone or against someone? When do I use my voice? Is mine the first heard or the silent one waiting for a braver person to speak .

A voice is a valuable and powerful tool. It offers support and strength when used in the silence of ambivalence or condemnation. Can your voice speak loudly enough to be heard? No matter who else may hear your voice, your ears are tuned to hear the sound and vibrancy of the words you speak. They hear you using your voice to stand up for your values.

I want my voice heard when I witness a wrong or the shaming of an individual. I don't want to be the by stander pretending I don't see or hear.

Anxiety in the world is an everyday issue. It is easy to develop a false sense of security and safety by closing our eyes and pretending the unpleasant issues do not involve us. The road often chosen is the road toward insulation, lack of empathy and a road of silence.

Where is the voice that speaks out and touches people, offers hope, warmth and dignity. What happened to the voice that says 'this is not who I am or who we are as a people.'

I am only one woman among many. But where there is one there is more with a voice to be heard. I am not hesitant to say I believe in a god that teaches love, respect, and tenderness; a god that sees no color separation, hears hearts that beat in sequence
and sees tears that are shed when we are broken.

My voice may be timid and hesitant, but the more I use it the stronger it will become. Using our voice gives strength. The more a voice is used the louder it becomes. Where there was once hesitation and fear, muscle develops. I will walk a little taller knowing I used my voice and and was honest in my expression. If no one listens or hears it matters not. It matters only that I used my voice as it was meant to be used and just maybe some one heard.